Candour - A Support Group against Online Harassment built with Vanilla Javascript, Express and Auth0
As we become more and more dependent on technology and the internet, incidents of cyberbullying, online harassment and abuse are on tthe increase. Unfortunately, removing ourselves from the internet and the connected online world is not a realistic option. Even if we personally choose not to use the internet, that doesn’t stop others from talking about us online, and if they want to – damage us online too.
The real life impact of online harassment can be devastating – cyberbullying, doxxing, malicious distribution of images, reputation attacks and harassment online have all seen lives lost, careers and businesses damaged, social and professional reputations destroyed. Community support has been proven to be one of the most effective ways of combatting the effects of online harassment. This is why Candour was built.
What Candour offers
Candour is a support group that aims to help victims of online violence and harassment. Candour offers the following:
- Allyship, solidarity and community support.
- Resources on how to combat online harassment.
- Campaigns against online harassment.
- Trainings on how to support people going through online harassment.
- Counselling and Therapy.
How it was Built
Front-End: Vanilla Javascript.
Back-End: ExpressJS.
Authentication: Auth0. To setup Auth0 authentication, I went through the fifteen minutes quick start.
Thanks for reading!
#Auth0 #Auth0Hackathon #Javascript #Women